海外TICKTOK 资源分析
Tik Tok is the international version of Douyin short video. Its strong technical strength and good product experience have made Douyin one of the most popular applications for locals in many overseas places. Statistics from App Annie, a third-party market data agency, show that not only in Vietnam, but also in Japan, Thailand, the Philippines, Malaysia, Cambodia and other countries, Tik Tok is in a leading position in the market, and has topped the local App Store or Google Play overall list for many times.
Tik Tok是抖音短视频国际版,强大的技术实力和良好的产品体验,让抖音在海外多地进入当地人最受欢迎的应用之列。第三方市场数据机构App Annie的统计显示,不仅在越南,Tik Tok在日本、泰国、菲律宾、马来西亚、柬埔寨等国家都处于市场领先地位,均多次登顶当地App Store或Google Play总榜。
So far, according to the eMarketer report, TikTok’s US user base has grown by 97.5% in 2019; it will increase by 21.9% to 45.4 million in 2020; this number will exceed 50 million in 2021.
Figure 1 shows the changes in the number of users of Tik Tok in the United States from 2019 to 2021 (unit: 10,000 people)
图一为 2018-2021年Tik Tok美国用户群数量变化情况(单位:万人)
Although Tik Tok has a good development prospect, there are still certain risk factors, and overseas policy risks caused by political reasons are one of them. On March 9, 2020, Washington held a U.S. Senate hearing on TikTok's data security issues. Earlier, U.S. Republican Senator Josh Hawley, who is also the convener of the hearing, publicly stated that he would submit a bill to ban U.S. federal government employees from using TikTok on their devices, and the ban would apply to all U.S. government-issued devices.
虽然,Tik Tok发展前景较好,但仍存在一定的风险因素,政治原因导致的海外政策风险就是其中之一。在2020年03月09日,华盛顿就召开了一场美国国会参议院关于TikTok数据安全问题的听证会。此前,美国共和党参议员、也是此次听证会召集人乔希·霍利公开表示将提交法案,拟禁止美国联邦政府雇员在其设备上使用TikTok,禁令将适用于所有美国政府发行的设备。
At present, the international political environment is confusing, or it may have a certain impact on the development prospects of Tik Tok. But overall, Tik Tok is still extremely popular overseas, and the future is still promising.
目前,国际政治环境扑朔迷离,或对Tik Tok的发展前景产生一定的影响。但总体来看,Tik Tok在海外仍极受欢迎,未来依旧可期。