The App Store is an application store platform launched by Apple in July 2008 and has been online for ten years so far. Among them, the number of users exceeds 1 billion, and the number of online APPs exceeds 2.2 million, covering 115 countries and regions.
App Store 是苹果公司于2008年7月份推出的应用商店平台,迄今为止上线十年整。其中,用户数超过10亿人,上线的APP数量超过220万款,覆盖了115个国家和地区。
The platform model of the App Store is that a third-party developer (the developer can be an individual or an enterprise organization) uploads the app developed by themselves to the App Store, and users download the app from the App Store and use the services provided by the app.
App Store的平台模式为,第三方开发者(开发者可以是个人或者企业组织)将自己开发的APP上传至 App Store,用户从AppStore上下载后使用该应用提供的服务。
苹果在2009年推出了IAP(in-App Purchase )应用内购付费模式,即允许用户下载APP后再付费购买应用内提供的内容服务,如解锁高级功能、购买游戏道具等。由此,苹果引领并培育了用户的数字化内容消费习惯。
In 2009, Apple launched the IAP (in-App Purchase) in-app purchase payment model, which allows users to download the app and then pay for the content services provided in the app, such as unlocking advanced functions and purchasing game items. As a result, Apple leads and nurtures users' digital content consumption habits.
苹果在2009年推出了IAP(in-App Purchase )应用内购付费模式,即允许用户下载APP后再付费购买应用内提供的内容服务,如解锁高级功能、购买游戏道具等。由此,苹果引领并培育了用户的数字化内容消费习惯。
We use a set of data to feel the power of the App Store:
我们用一组数据来感受下App Store的强大:
Ten-year total downloads: over 170 billion
十年总下载量:超过 1700 亿次
Ten-year total consumer spending: over $130 billion
年总用户支出:超过 1300 亿美元
iOS users now use average monthly: 40 apps
OS用户现在每月平均使用:40 个应用
Average daily time spent in apps by iOS users: 3 hours
OS用户每天在应用中平均花费: 3 个小时
Total App Store revenue in 2016: $28.5 billion
2016年App Store总营收:285亿美元
2017 App Store revenue: $39 billion
2017年App Store的营收: 390 亿美元
An authoritative analysis agency predicts that the annual revenue of the App Store in 2018 is expected to exceed the total global movie box office.
权威分析机构预测,2018年App Store年度营收预计将超过全球电影总票房。
The App Store also supports binding WeChat and Alipay as payment methods for in-app purchases in China. The revenue contribution of Chinese developers and users to the App Store is also increasing year by year.
App Store在国内还支持绑定微信、支付宝作为内购支付方式。中国开发者以及用户对App Store营收贡献也在逐年提升。